Technical details

    Scrypt hashing algorithm

    Proof of Work (POW) mining

    60 seconds block target

    Difficulty retarget after each block

    Total coins will be 13.5 billion coins

    5 confirmations per transaction

    50 confirmations per minted block

    Supports transaction messages

    Normal block reward on average 10,000 EAC, varies seasonly

    Superblocks every 14 and 31 day

    Block payout is halved every year, minimum payout of 1 EAC per block

    The default ports are 35677 (Connect) and 15678 (RPC)



Transaction speed

The mechanism behind EarthCoin which is based on peer-to-peer, allows transactions to happen very quickly. This means that once you pay or get payed with EarthCoin, the time taken to see the money transferred is equal or sometimes faster than the avarege debit card. EarthCoin promotes transaction times of approximatly 30 seconds where it is actually closer to 10-15 seconds which is nowadays regarded as being instant. The true strength behind this speed is the abillity to use it in any store in the near future with the same feel of speed as the currency you hold today.



The EarthCoin network had been attacked by a 51% attack and controlled by a group of hackers for several months in the middle of 2017. Thanks to the unwavering efforts of the community, the attack was thrown back and EarthCoin was returned to all users. The source code was then fixed, secured against similar attacks in the future and a unique protection against time travel attack was implemented. The EarthCoin code is now much more secure than most of other cryptocurrencies.


Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Bitcoin Developers

Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Litecoin Developers

Copyright (c) 2013- 2018 EarthCoin Developers
EarthCoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see Here.

© Copyright 2013 - 2018 EarthCoin – The peoples currency
